/** * 绫 鍚 绉帮細 Separator|SP * 鍔熻兘璇存槑锛 鍒嗗壊鏉$被 * 鐗堟潈淇℃伅锛 CopyRight 2005-2006 JoeCom * 鍙傛暟璇存槑锛 o1,o2 : 涓や釜瀵硅薄 spTpe: 鏂瑰悜锛屾槸宸﹀彸锛岃繕鏄笂涓 w:瀹藉害;wx:left鐨勫樊鍊畸wy:top鐨勫樊鍊 wh:宸﹀彸鎷栧姩鏃讹紝鏄搴︾殑宸€硷紝涓婁笅鍒欐槸楂樺害鐨勫樊鍊 wl:涓婁笅鎷夊姩鏃舵椂鐨勪竴涓樊鍊 宸€肩殑瀛樺湪鏄洜涓烘帶浠跺彲鑳藉瓨鍦╞order,padding,top绛変竴浜涙儏鍐碉紝 杩樻湁灏辨槸鎺т欢鐨刾osition涓嶆槸涓篴bsolute * 鍒 寤 浜猴細 JoeCom | MSN:juwuyi@hotmail.com | blog:http://hi.baidu.com/joecom * 鍒涘缓鏃ユ湡锛 2006-07-27 * 淇敼璁板綍锛 * 澶 娉 锛 IE涓嬫晥鏋滄渶濂斤紝FF涓婽D鏍囩涓嶆敮鎸乷nresize浜嬩欢锛 */ //浠ヤ笅瀹氫箟鎷栨媺鏂瑰悜鐨勫父閲 SP_LEFTRIGHT = 1; //宸﹀彸鎷栨媺 SP_UPDOWN = 2; //涓婁笅鎷栨媺 function Separator(o1, o2, callback,spType, w, wx, wy, wh, wl){ var me = this; this.o1 = (typeof o1 == "string") ? document.getElementById(o1) : o1; this.o2 = (typeof o2 == "string") ? document.getElementById(o2) : o2; this.w = w || 3; //Width or Height this.wx = wx || 0; //parentOffsetLeft this.wy = wy || 0; //parentOffsetTop this.wh = wh || 0; //parentOffsetHeight this.wl = wl || 0; //parentOffsetWidth //this.wr = wr||0; //parentOffsetRight this.autoresize = false; this.spType = (spType == SP_UPDOWN) ? SP_UPDOWN : SP_LEFTRIGHT; this.allWidth = this.o1.clientWidth + this.o2.clientWidth + this.w; this.allHeight = this.o1.clientHeight + this.o2.clientHeight + this.w; this.isIE = false; this.callback = callback; this.addEvent = function(el, evname, func){ if (el.attachEvent) { // IE el.attachEvent("on" + evname, func); this.isIE = true; } else if (el.addEventListener) { // Gecko / W3C el.addEventListener(evname, func, false); } else { el["on" + evname] = func; } }; this.sp = document.createElement("div"); if (this.spType == SP_LEFTRIGHT) { $('body').append('
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